lachlanjc’s avatarlachlanjc’s Twitter Archive—№ 9,492

  1. …in reply to @TaylorLorenz
    @TaylorLorenz 💟 Zooming out, I guess to me it feels like memes/TikTok/etc are our coping mechanism for 3 things: 1. Broken economy/finding new income (obv) 2. Positive hope for the future easily feels like an idealist joke (climate collapse, boomers for Biden/Trump, everything on fire) 1/2
    1. …in reply to @lachlanjc
      @TaylorLorenz 3. Mostly, the lack of meaningful new culture for teens this century. School seems pointless, cultural institutions providing identity (scouts, religion) seem outdated. We have superpowers (internet/social media) but no new societal role or anything to do but be “adults.” 2/3 😅
      1. …in reply to @lachlanjc
        @TaylorLorenz So memes/vaping/most teen movements/culture = just coping with this nihilism. Streaming sleep isn’t a fulfilling life, but what else do we do? MFOL/climate strikes seem a new exception, but few & far between. Most of my peers don’t seem to feel deep meaning/identity rn 3/3